Model of a graduate EP  1211000 - "Sewing production and modeling of clothes"

  (by industry) provides students in relevant basic, basic, general professional, professional competencies.

Competences of personal self-improvement are aimed at mastering the methods of physical, spiritual, moral, intellectual self-development, development of necessary  personal qualities  for a modern person, formation of literacy, culture of thinking and behavior.


    Intellectual development - fluent in basic science, able to independently raise the level of education.
    Personal qualities - should possess the following qualities: perseverance, purposefulness, self-discipline, initiative, honesty, diligence, kindness, patriotism, high culture of communication.
    Physical health - to lead a healthy lifestyle, to strive for physical self-improvement.
    Creative orientation - to strive to develop inclinations, to develop creative thinking abilities.
    Socialization of personality - to know the rights and duties of a person and a citizen, to know the basics of economics, to own computer literacy


The main competences of personal self-improvement in the model of a graduate  1304000 - “Computing engineering   and software” (by industry)   follows:

    need for a healthy lifestyle;
    patriotism (love of country);
    readiness for spiritual development, moral self-improvement;
    Social responsibility;
    ability to act and act independently;
    purposefulness, perseverance in achieving results;
    ability to self-organization;
    ability to self-development;
    ability to analyze his work;
    the ability to search information in various sources;
    ability and interest in innovative methods;
    sociability, ability to work in a team;
    the ability to be responsible for the organization of safety measures: environmental and economic.

Professional education competencies are necessary for the implementation of professional activities in the framework of the development of the working profession.

General competencies are the competencies necessary for successful activity both in professional and non-professional fields, ensuring the general orientation of professional activity and are connected with personal qualities of a person (student, graduate).


Basic Competencies (BC):
    use linguistic skills in the state language, Russian and foreign languages ​​necessary for the exchange of                     information of interpersonal and professional orientation
have positive communication skills in a multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society;

comply the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and approved industry regulatory documents;

manage their own personal and professional development, adapt to changes in a market economy;
organize your own activities, evaluate the results of your work;
use information and communication technologies in professional activities;
timely and efficiently perform their duties;
work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management;
comply with the requirements of safety regulations, industrial hygiene and fire safety;
comply with the requirements of professional ethics and office etiquette.


General Professional Competences (GPC):
     understand the nature and social significance of their future profession, show a steady interest in it
     search and use of information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development
     make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them
     ability to sum up his work
     ability to respond quickly and adequately


Professional Competence (PC)


Qualification 121106 2 - Tailor
    perform all types of work on tailoring products for individual orders in accordance with the specifications;
    perform repair work on clothing updates;
    possess skills to work on various sewing equipment;
    choose the methods and modes of treatment, depending on the properties of the materials used;
    ensure the quality of work performed.

  Qualification   121107 2- Designer - Cutter
    perform a complex of works on receiving orders for very complex, highly artistic garments that require individual modeling;
    participate in the development of new models according to the sketches of the artist -  designer or customer;
    perform all types of work on the preparation of materials for cutting and blocking the most complex and highly artistic garments that require individual modeling;
    to lead the work of lower-level cutters when cutting particularly complex models of clothing;
    instruct tailors on the features of processing complex styles of new materials;
    possess business skills in the field of sewing production;
    work with fashion magazines and catalogs, analyze fashion trends.

121108 Qualification 3 -  Designer - Constructor
    develop models in accordance with the purpose of clothing, taking into account the direction of fashion and the individual characteristics of the customer;
    to carry out drawings of a design of the models of clothes accepted to production;
    make patterns in accordance with the requirements of ESKD;
    develop design and technological documentation;
    perform technical reproduction of patterns in size and height;
    carry out the layout patterns and cutting details of clothing;
    instruct tailors on the features of processing garments;
    work with fashion magazines and catalogs, analyze fashion trends;
    to lead the work of cutters when cutting particularly complex models of clothing;
    conduct market research, market analysis.

     Qualification 121109 3 - Technician - technologist
    make a choice of processing methods and equipment depending on the properties of materials;
    have skills in working with various types of sewing equipment;
    to set the modes of processing garments taking into account the properties of materials and the requirements of standards;
    to organize the technological process of making garments, draw up schemes for the division of labor and plan workplaces;
    draw up instructional cards for technological operations;
    be able to identify defects in materials, parts of cutting, semi-finished products, finished products and know how to prevent and eliminate them;
    provide in-process and final quality control of products.


The aggregate of all the competencies reflected in the model constitute the socio-professional competence of the graduate of the EP  1211000 - "Sewing production and modeling of clothes" possessing the knowledge, skills, experience in this specialty, are ready for professional activity in the field of light industry.