We invite you to the city scientific and practical conference for college teachers on the topic "TOPICAL ISSUES OF TECHNOLOGIES AND DISTANCE LEARNING METHODS."

December 25, 2020

The purpose of the scientific and practical conference is to create conditions for improving the methodological and professional level of college teachers during distance learning.


support for teachers engaged in creative activities;

dissemination of effective teaching experience;

promotion of the achievements of pedagogical science;

familiarization of teachers with modern scientific achievements in the field of pedagogy, psychology, educational technologies.

 A collection of scientific articles will be published as a result of the conference.

The collection will be in electronic format, the participants of the conference will be awarded letters of thanks and certificates.

Venue of the conference: "Almaty State College of Service and Technology"

Conference format: correspondence

During the conference, it is planned to consider the following areas and problems that exist in various fields of education:


General education disciplines.

General humanities are not disciplines.

General professional disciplines.

Special disciplines.


Working languages ​​of the conference: Kazakh, Russian.

Materials should be sent to the e-mail address of the executive secretary of the conference. The deadline for materials is December 23 (inclusive) 2020.

The number of articles by one author (co-authorship) is not limited.

The order of sending documents must be observed.

Fill in the application in the following form (Appendix 1)

Information about the decision to publish the article will be sent to your e-mail.

Materials that do not correspond to the direction of the section or are not designed on demand can be returned.

The scientific article must correspond to the direction of the conference, relevance, scientific novelty, spelling and punctuation competently


Almaty, st. Satpayev 86, Almaty State College of Service and Technology.

Phone: 392-37-73, +7 778 133 06 23 (phone, vatsap), +7 747 189 26 34.The time for receiving calls is from 09.00 to 18.00.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.