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Цвета сайта


PARAGRAPH BILIM - IT is an effective control of the education system, digitalization and automation of the educational process, monitoring of training and the activity of the contingent of students and employees for technical and vocational education institutions (TVE)



  • Obtaining general relevant and reliable information,

and identifying problems within the college:

the educational process, the contingent of students, employees

  • Automation of the educational process

training course, academic calendar, electronic file cabinet

students and staff; internal workflow, teaching                                                      

and practical materials, regulatory information, electronic

libraries and an archive of necessary documents for educational processes;

selection committee;

internal chat to exchange views and support ongoing

communication of all platform users

  • Savings in funding: automation and optimization

jobs and supplies

  • The ability to train people with disabilities and people with disabilities.
  • Possibility of integration with IP § “Paragraph Work” (employment),

"1C" (paid training department)

Система "Бiлiм" поможет студентам колледжей найти работу