On March 4, 2018, an anti-corruption hour was held in the assembly hall of the Almaty State College of Service and Technology.

November 24, 2017. The members of the Council for the Prevention of Law Violations held a meeting at which the behavior of some 1-year-old girls was reviewed.


Прошел мастер-класс по окрашиванию, женским вечерним прическам, женским и мужским стрижкам от мастеров Ollin Professional Kazakhstan. На мастер-классе приняли участие наши мастера, выпускники и учащиеся.


In the ceremonial house "Miras" organized and held a "Initiation to the students." A concert was arranged, the teachers and the college administration said parting words to the students.


04/11/2018, a training seminar was held on the use of the CONCEPT professional hair care product line. The workshop was attended by our masters, teachers, graduates and students.